< Web Site created by Paul
Heald >
February-March 2000
The purpose of this site is to
present a comprehensive view of my work from 1963 to the present and to
keep friends, family, and patrons informed of my activities and studio
projects. It is also my wish to generate new interest in my
work and to establish new contacts. If this site also enables
me to re-establish lost communications from the past it will make the effort
even more worthwhile. The site is intended to be an easy cruise through
40 years of art by a compulsive image maker. Many of the works
pictured are in collections. An equal number remain in my possession.
I have edited the past work to show at least one good example from each
of the best series of work. They are catagorized by decade unless
it is more appropriate to do otherwise. As I attain more digital
images of past work I will see that major pieces, not yet included, are
added to the gallery. If too many accumulate to make for easy viewing
I will rotate the gallery on a regular basis. Additions and rotations
of work will usually be noted on the gallery
page. General updates will be made as new work is completed or when
there is some news of interest. Look for additions and/or revisions
about once a month. Inquiries regarding availability of specific
work are welcome and so are any comments and suggestions regarding the
site itself. I can be contacted at: <
pheald@juno.com >
"Amber Way to Rain" 1994