"The shapes of beauty haunting our moments of inspiration. . . [are] a people older than the world, citizens of eternity, appearing and reappearing in the minds of artists and of poets. . . , and because beings, none the less symbols, blossoms, as it were, growing from invisible immortal roots, hands  pointing the way into some divine labyrinth."
< W. B. Yeats >

"Sufis believe that, expressed in one way, humanity is evolving to a certain destiny. We are all taking part in that evolution. Organs come into being as a result of the need for specific organs (Rumi). The human being's organism is producing a new complex of organs in response to such a need. In this age of the transcending of time and space, the complex of organs is concerned with the transcending of time and space. What ordinary people regard as sporadic and occasional bursts of telepathic or prophetic power are seen by the Sufi as nothing less than the first stirrings of these same organs. The difference between all evolution up to date and the present need for evolution is that for the past ten thousand years or so we have been given the possibility of a conscious evolution. So essential is this more rarefied evolution that our future depends upon it." 

< Idries Shah >
The Sufis

"The Church says the Earth is flat. But I know that it is round. For I have seen the shadow on the moon. And I have more faith in a shadow than in the Church" 

< Ferdinand Magellen >

"There's no limit to how complicated things can get, on account of one thing always leading to another." 

< E. B. White: (1899-1985) >

"The past slips from our grasp. It leaves us only scattered things. The bond that united them eludes us. Our imagination usually fills in the void by making use of preconceived theories...Archaeology, then, does not supply us with certitudes, but rather with vague hypotheses. And in the shade of these hypotheses some artists are content to dream, considering them less as scientific facts than as sources of inspiration." 

< Igor Stravinski >

"Civilization is a stream with banks. The stream is sometimes filled with blood from people killing, stealing, shouting and doing the things historians usually record, while on the banks, unnoticed, people build homes, make love, raise children, sing songs, write poetry and even whittle statues. The story of civilization is the story of what happened on the banks. Historians are pessimists because they ignore the banks for the river."

< Will Durant >
Life Magazine
New York, 18 Oct. 1963

“True, the white man brought great change. But the varied fruits of his civilization, though highly colored and inviting, are sickening and deadening. And if it be part of civilization to maim, rob, thwart, then what is progress? I am going to venture that the man who sat on the ground in his tipi meditating on life and its meaning, accepting the kinship of all creatures, and acknowledging unity with the universe of things, was infusing into his being the true essence of civilization...”

< Chief Luther Standing Bear >

"When the moment comes to replace power with plenitude, compulsive external rituals with internal, self-imposed discipline, depersonalization with individuation, automation with autonomy, we shall find that the necessary change of attitude has been going on beneath the surface during the last century, and the long buried seeds of a richer human culture are now ready to strike root and grow, as soon as the ice breaks up and the sun reaches them. If that growth is to prosper, it will draw freely on the compost from many previous cultures."

  Eugene Halton, Bereft of Reason 1995
On the Decline of Social Thought and Prospects for its Renewal

“One does not sell the earth on which the people walk.”

< Tashunka Witko (Crazy Horse) >

"War is a poor chisel to carve out tomorrows ."

< Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr >

“It is a paradox that the nation that did so much to articulate and codify human rights in its foundation documents has so consistently resisted the effective functioning of an international framework to protect these principles and values.”-- 

< Amnesty International, “United States of America >
Rights for All,” 10-98

“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And when you look long into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you.”—

< Nietzsche >


“I did not know then [at Wounded Knee] how much was ended. When I look back now from this high hill of my old age, I can still see the butchered women and children lying heaped and scattered all along the crooked gulch as plain as when I saw them with eyes still young. And I can see that something else died there in the bloody mud, and was buried in the blizzard. A people’s dream died there. It was a beautiful dream....”

< Black Elk >

“Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear -- kept us in a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor -- with the cry of grave national emergency. Always there has been some terrible evil at home or some monstrous foreign power that was going to gobble us up if we did not blindly rally behind it....”

< Gen. Douglas McArthur, 1957 >

“Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. We know more about war than we know about peace, more about killing than we know about living. We have grasped the mystery of the atom and rejected the Sermon on the Mount.” 

 < General Omar N Bradley >


"I don't feel we did wrong in taking this great country away from them... There were great numbers of people who needed new land, and the Indians were selfishly trying to keep it for themselves." 
< John Wayne (Playboy, 1971) >

"If you take care of the shepherd, you take care of the sheep. ."

< Jim Bakker to Jessica Hahn >

“Barbarians seize this dog, which in friendship surpasses man prodigiously; they nail it on a table, and they dissect it alive in order to show the mesenteric veins. You discover in it all the same organs of feeling that you have in yourself. Answer me, machinist, has nature arranged all the means of feeling in this animal, so that it may not feel? Has it nerves in order to be impassible? Do not suppose this impertinent contradiction in nature.” 

< Voltaire >
“A Reply to Descarte

"As we know, there are known knowns. There are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns. That is to say, we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns, the ones we don’t know we don’t know."

< Donald Rumsfeld  ( U.S. Secretary of Defense ) 21st century A.D.>

We dance around in a ring and suppose,
But the secret sits in the middle and knows

Robert Frost, "The Secret Sits"

Circle of Nine


"So essential is language to man's humanness, so deep a source is it of his own creativity, that it is by no means an accident in our time that those who have tried to degrade man and enslave him have first debased and misused language, arbitrarily turning meanings inside out. "

< Lewis Mumford >
The Conduct of Life

"Extremism means borders beyond which life ends, and a passion for extremism, in art and in politics, is a veiled longing for death."

 < Milan Kundera >

“You who philosophize disgrace and criticize all fears - Take the rag away from your face. Now ain’t the time for your tears.”

< Bob Dylan >


"The time of judging who's drunk 
and who's sober, who's right or wrong, 
Who's closer to God or father away, 
All that's over! 

This caravan is led instead 
by a great delight. the simple joy
that sits with us. That is the grace."

< Hafiz >

“You have to be the change you want to see in the world.”

< Gandhi >



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